Good god and Judas Priest! The Padre's first post does not even have a hint of the rapier tongue we've come to know. I can't believe you stuck around when it took 2+ years to get a response. No wonder you made such a good JW.
-- Not Feeling It
anyone know around know the orr's or kennedys that live(d) in atlanta?
i think they went to the peachtree or buckhead cong?
i used to hang out with allen, matt and thomas.
Good god and Judas Priest! The Padre's first post does not even have a hint of the rapier tongue we've come to know. I can't believe you stuck around when it took 2+ years to get a response. No wonder you made such a good JW.
-- Not Feeling It
i'm sure this has been discussed.
i was wondering what attracts a lurker/n00b to post for the first time.
i made my first post in someone else's thread eschewing the "hi, i'm new" thing.. for anyone, particularly the lurkers/noobies:.
I feel like I should pull a Mr Flipper routine and personally respond to everyone who wrote. But there is only one Flip and I'm loathe to step on his schtick.
Anyway, there have been quite a few newbies here lately. I know a few folks in recent months who just faded away. My one friend told me that he did so after researching WTS history online. For some reason he didn't just trust the Proclaimers book... I guess what I'm trying to get at is that for everyone of us who made a path here, there are statistically as many who left without a peep.
If you are a lurker, don't feel so bad about posting. Reading here DEFINITELY helps. Putting your thoughts in writing can lead to catharsis. Not to mention that seeing real, sincere, expressions (or even the sarcastic ones that occasionally pepper these posts) help others to realize they are not alone and certainly not insane -- well, some of you are insane or are at least on the street corner. As our former religion fondly cliches: "Iron sharpens iron".
-- Not Sharpening It
i'm sure this has been discussed.
i was wondering what attracts a lurker/n00b to post for the first time.
i made my first post in someone else's thread eschewing the "hi, i'm new" thing.. for anyone, particularly the lurkers/noobies:.
the sexy photos of our hot female forum members!!!
Wow, Those are some hot ones. Especially the third one down. Perhaps you should confess to the dear father. I'll bet the soul patch tickles.
question box, september km, 2009.. if both parents participate in child indoctrination sessions, they can each count one hour per week of field circus time.. hail the theocracy, ever increasing!.
Nice! Soon if you have 4 kids and both parents study with all 4 kids for 1 hour they may be able to report 8 total hours. Scam-tastic.
--Not Reporting It
well i finally decided to post.
i have been looking at this site for many years(4 or 5 i guess) but never really felt the need to post until give a little background i was raised in a strict jw family.
my dad was an elder for most of my childhood, po for most of it) thankfully he fell away when i was 15 or 16. so there was no pressure from him to get baptised.
I was sickeningly self righteous after being reinstated. Your friend is likely expressing that. I find that the righteous fervor wears off. You can't maintain it forever. Give the guy time. Stand your ground. Funny how they will say your silent conduct is a Witness -- right? Well the same goes for exJWs. When you are filled with hate and self destruction you prove thier negative prophesy true. Be a normal person. Heap firey coals on thier heads, eh?
-- Not Feeling It
ok my gay friends, i'm going to pick on you a minute, but you know i love you all... .
me... liberal male, could care less what you do with your sex organs, i only care about what i do with mine...that said, i've several gay friends... none of which are monogamous.
so, my next door neighbors are lesbians, neither are the hate all males types like some i have known in the past... matter of fact, one loves sports and hangs out here watching football and other sports with me at least once a week.
Circle jerk! Daaaaaymmmmmn.
Thread lock in 3... 2... 1...
-- Not Jerking It
// well, maybe.
although i'm pretty much an atheist, i still like reading the bible.
it's an amazing literary masterwork to say the least.. my question is, after discovering that the new world translation of the wts was poorly translated and altered in ways designed to support their various peculiar doctrines (see john 1:1, etc.
), what bible translation are you all the most fond of?.
I'm interested in this topic too. My parents regularly suggest I at least read the bible since I won't go to meetings or otherwise read JW propaganda. I'm considering it, but it won't be a NWT. I'd like to read something reputable but doctrinally nuetral as possible.
i'm sure this has been discussed.
i was wondering what attracts a lurker/n00b to post for the first time.
i made my first post in someone else's thread eschewing the "hi, i'm new" thing.. for anyone, particularly the lurkers/noobies:.
I would have guessed cookies.
Priest, my new goal in life is to hang out on this site more than you so I can beat you to first posts with my extra-crispy sarcasm. Unfortunately it would have been vanity most base to have posted my topic and followed it with my own snarky comment.
a reliable source has informed us that the registrar of gilead was removed....laid off.
is the watchtower school of gilead, where they train their missionaries, in the process of downsizing or perhaps dismantling.
now that math.
Sounds interesting. Do you post minutes from your meetings here once they are done?
ok, so i have been thinking about my time as a jw (i'm fading out - read my other posts for background info).
you know how you always hear how the ministry will bring so much joy and contentment, yadda yadda yadda?
i always hated service...always!!
Yeah it didn't work for me either. I tried auxilliary pioneering and hanging out with the regulars -- didn't help. I even thought I wanted to go to Bethel. Thank god they turned me down (probably because I had been DFed a few years before).
I came to the conclusion that my heart was never in any of it. I really wanted to live a normal life -- get married, have a regular job, be productive, have a home, etc... Constantly waiting for something that will never happen is not healthy. I am confident now that if there is a god, it wants me to be happy and if I'm wrong, hopefully that deity is compassionate enough to look past my flaws. If not... Yeah, I'm screwed. Can I get a window seat to Hell?
I do still agree with the Witness mindset that an eternity of penance is too much for even a lifetime of misdeeds.
-- Not Feeling It